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  1. Star Wars: The Old Republic bringing HK-51 into the game as a companion

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Ever since Star Wars: The Old Republic was announced, it was a sure thing that we'd see the Hunter Killer assassin droids in the game, and indeed Bioware has released a teaser trailer announcing the appearance of HK-51, a few models down the line from everyone's favorite meatbag-loathing machine, HK-47.

    Presumably, the droid will appear in the game as a player companion, though how he'll be unlocked
  2. Hero Academy's Team Fortress 2 team sounds pretty powerful

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    After announcing that Hero Academy would soon be making its way to Steam, developer Robot Entertainment has now revealed details surrounding the PC version's special Team Fortress 2 team. One thing Hero Academy players will notice right away is that there are a lot of different units. The Team Fortress 2team has a whopping 9 units, as compared to every other team's 5.

    All the Team Fortress 2 classes are
  3. Foosball 2012 kicks off next week on PS3 and Vita

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Yes, Uncharted is lovely and Lumines is addictive, but we know what you really bought that Vita to see: miniature, simulated foosball. Finally, next week, you'll be able to see lovingly rendered fooses (?) on that gorgeous screen, as Grip Games' Foosball 2012 launches on PSN.

    The $7.99 Foosball 2012 purchase ($5.99 for Plus users) will get you not only portable Foosball 2012, but the PS3 version as well, allowing you to flip little wooden dudes in HD, with the option to use your Move
  4. Double Dragon Neon starts dispensing high fives September 11

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Double Dragon Neon, Wayforward's hilariously, garishly '80s-inspired brawler update, will bring Abobo to a new generation starting September 11, when publisher Majesco releases the game on PS3 in North America via PlayStation Network. The other half of the release date high five will take place the next day, when the XBLA version arrives, according to a post on the game's Facebook page. It'll cost $9.99.
  5. One Piece: Pirate Warriors and Thundercats out (separately) September 25

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    We very briefly thought Namco was making a One Piece/Thundercats crossover game, only to realize that the company just announced release dates for two separate games in the same press release for some reason.

    One Piece: Pirate Warriors, the downloadable PS3 game (which is already an unlikely crossover of sorts, being a One Piece-themed action game in the style of Dynasty Warriors) will be released in North America
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