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  1. NOA 'watching' Xenoblade EU launch closely

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Xenoblade Chronicles is, after a long wait, arriving in UK next Friday August19, while US is yet to get confirmation of a release at all. But that might change if all goes well in Europe, it seems.
    Nintendo America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has said NOA is 'watching very closely' at how the game is received east of the Atlantic.

    "We will be watching very closely what happens in Europe," he told IGN. "Certainly if there are business opportunities and positive consumer
  2. Reaction To Diablo 3's Always-Online Requirement

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Last week we discussed news that Diablo 3 will include a real-money auction house for items and require a permanent connection to the internet even for single-player games. Fan reaction has been loud and varied, with many decrying the restrictive DRM. Blizzard exec Robert Bridenbecker said he was surprised by the outrage at the online requirement, saying, "it really is just the nature of how things are going, the nature of the industry. When you look at everything you get by having that persistent
  3. Analysts predict 3 million sales for Star Wars MMO

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Research carried out by Cowen analysts suggest that Star Wars: The Old Republic is on track to sell 3 million units in its first year, after pre-order excitement has surpassed that of last year's Starcraft 2 or World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
    Cowen's pre-order analysis has led it to raise its estimates for both sell through, from 1.5 million to 3 million, and run-rate subscriber numbers from 1 million to 2 million.
    Both Starcraft 2 and World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm sold over 4 million units.
  4. World Of Tanks: 5 million users after one year

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Popular online game World Of Tanks, published by, now has 5 million users globally.
    The news comes as the game reaches its one year anniversary.
    "We didn't expect World of Tanks would become this popular," said CEO Victor Kislyi.
    "The game's success has given us confidence we needed to continue our expansion into the world of online wargames."
    The game has around 172,000 players online at any one time, beating its total on January 23, which
  5. Wayne Rooney has more hair in FIFA 12

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Wayne Rooney's real-life hair implants mean that EA Sports, in the name of authenticity, will give the Manchester United striker more hair in FIFA 12.
    EA Sports confirmed this to Eurogamer this morning and sent over a screenshot (below) to illustrate the change.
    Rooney told fans via Twitter about his hair implants in June.
    He allegedly forked out £30,000 to have hair follicles implanted into his scalp that will, over the course of a few months, grow naturally.
    Rooney will
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