Originally Posted by wraggster At the Comic-Con panel for Kinect Star Wars earlier this week (the same panel where that R2D2 Xbox was announced), Microsoft's head of Kinect Jorg Neumann told the story of how the game itself came about. Back in 2008, when Kinect was still called Project Natal, and basically consisted of just a camera in a back room at Microsoft, Neumann and his colleagues found an engineer playing with game ...
Originally Posted by wraggster As much as we love writing about video games here at Joystiq, it pales in comparison to our real hobby: crushing hopes and dreams. If you were looking forward to playing through every single God of War game in the God of War Master Collection that was spotted on Amazon's German site, and you don't actually live in Germany, you're out of luck. When asked about the listing, Sony informed Joystiq ...
Originally Posted by wraggster Nexon's iOS title Kartrider Rush has been downloaded over 3 million times since release. The game notched up 1 million downloads in its first week of release back in March. The PC version of the game has over 200 million users worldwide. "We are appreciative and excited about the tremendous reaction we've received from players all over the world," commented JeongMin Han, Nexon Mobile's team leader. "We will continue to work and develop ...
Originally Posted by wraggster DICE has said that 24 person Battlefield 3 multiplayer is the "sweet spot" for console players. The console versions of the game have the ability to host substantially fewer players online than the PC edition, but that's the "best possible experience" for PS3 and Xbox 360, brand manager Kevin O'Leary told PixelEnemy. "We're an all-platform developer, to be honest," he said, when asked whether anything set the PC and console versions apart. ...
Originally Posted by wraggster A Yahoo Japan-published release schedule has listed Disaea 3 for launch on the PlayStation Vita. Nippon Ichi Software (NIS) has confirmed its support for Vita but it yet to officially announce any titles. According to the now-removed Yahoo listing 'Disgaea 3 Return' is set to be a PS Vita launch title. If true, it's unknown if the Vita version will be a straight port of the 2009 PS3 game, Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice, a remake or a spin-off. Siliconera ...