Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Current gen consoles 'can't cope' with traditional Total War

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Creative Assembly's Mike Simpson says the popular Total War series of strategy games wouldn't work on the current console generation, just in terms of hardware requirements. "They don't have enough memory, by a large factor," Simpson tells Eurogamer. The audience for console games tends to be a little more action-oriented and a little less strategy focused, and the experiences are very different as
  2. SoulCalibur 5's story mode is one-fourth its originally planned size

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    SoulCalibur 5's lackluster single-player offerings majorly stuck in my craw when I reviewed it last January, and while the game's combat is primarily excellent, I couldn't overlook the fact that its story mode is, as I said in my review, "a 3-hour hodgepodge of indecipherable, confusing storyboard panels punctuated by random (although admittedly gorgeous) cinematics."

    As it turns out, I
  3. Skullgirls hits XBLA April 11, PSN release still undetermined

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Skullgirls has just passed Microsoft's certification gauntlet and will be available for 1200 MS Points on Wednesday, April 11. The game's PSN release date has yet to be finalized, although it will "very probably be April 10th," according toan announcement made on neoGAF by Reverge Labs community manager Peter Bartholow.

    Bartholow was able to say, however, that the PSN version's price
  4. Mobile Super Meat Boy may look something like this, may not

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Above is the first proper look at the prototype, "probably going to change a lot" vision of Super Meat Boy on iOS. No, this isn't an April Fools' joke, unless Team Meat have decided to reveal sensible, already-announced information as part of its months-long ruse to get everyone excited for mobile SMB before stripping it away entirely -- a plan they decided to ditch once they realized what a genuinely good
  5. Paper: the iPad sketchbook app from the brains of Courier

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Go figure -- Microsoft's Courier project lives again... as an exclusive app on Apple's iPad. FiftyThree, a company that features folks who previously worked on the aforesaid Courier initiative, has just put forth a monumental effort dubbed Paper. The app, which is available for free in the App Store, is a sophisticated sketchbook with a highly unique user interface that's seemingly designed with the budding
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