Homebrew News

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  1. Korea classifies Joe Danger for Xbox 360

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Joe Danger, the exciting bike game from Hello Games, just might be flipping its way to Xbox 360. The Korean Game Rating Board has classified the stunt-driven racer for the Xbox, with Microsoft Korea listed as publisher. Pre-zoom-ably, the game will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade, perhaps ahead of the launch of the sequel, Joe Danger: The Movie.

  2. Jagex urges caution in rush to free-to-play

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Jagex Game Studios, UK developer of browser MMOG Runescape, has cautioned developers against blindly joining the current rush to the free-to-play model.
    In recent months, a number of existing and upcoming online games have adopted the free-to-play model, which relies on a small percentage of paying players to effectively subsidise a game's wider userbase by buying virtual items through microtransactions. On average, just three per cent of players do so, but in an interview, Jagex CEO Mark
  3. Battlefield 3 for £2.99 as HMV goes cheapest

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Retailers HMV and GAME have once again decided to offer this week’s biggest release for a tantalisingly low price for those willing to trade-in specific games.
    HMV has slashed the price of EA’s Battlefield 3 to just £2.99 for any customer willing to hand over a copy of either Batman: Arkham City or Forza 4.
    For those who take up the offer they will next week have the chance to hand back their copy of Battlefield 3 and pick up Sony’s Uncharted 3 for just £2.99.
    GAME is selling Battlefield
  4. Warner grabs Witcher 2 deal

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Warner Bros have agreed a deal with Polish studio CD Projekt RED to distribute the upcoming Xbox 360 version of Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
    The console adaptation of the PC fantasy RPG will be released in early 2012.
    Adam Kicinski, President of CD Projekt RED, said: “We have added significant enhancements to the Xbox 360 version of The Witcher 2, going far beyond simply editing the code to run on a new platform. Thanks to one of the world's
  5. Tiger Woods retains EA cover role

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Publisher EA has confirmed that it will once again use the likeness of Tiger Woods in the next instalment of its PGA Tour Golf series.
    The former world No.1 has been a troubled figure since his much publicised media blowout in late 2009. Back then he was ranked as No.1 in the world. As of today he sits at 55th.
    Despite sticking by the star in the aftermath of the vents, the publisher has since admitted that it can see a future beyond Woods. Indeed, some versions of last year’s game didn’t
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