Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Trion's End of Nations MMORTS will be free-to-play

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Sure, you'd like to play Trion's upcoming MMO/RTS mashup called End of Nations, but you're not sure if you want to pony up for the retail box, and then shell out another few bucks a month for a subscription. That's a lot to spend on a game you might not like, right? Good news for you, then: Trion has announced that End of Nations will be a free-to-play title.

    Free players, according
  2. Mortal Kombat sells 'close to' 3 million worldwide, has paid for itself

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    When Midway bit the bullet and liquidated all of its assets during the first half of last year, the future of one of gaming's most ubiquitous and legendary franchises, Mortal Kombat, was completely up in the air. People didn't know whether or not MK's new baby-daddy at Warner Bros. Interactive would continue the series' proud tradition of increasingly ludicrous violence, or if it would continue
  3. Codemasters announces F1 Online: The Game

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    As if fantasy football wasn't enough of a workplace distraction, Codemasters has recently announced F1 Online: The Game, which is, as you may have guessed, a free-to-play, browser-based Formula 1 racing game/management simulator.

    Set to launch sometime in Q1 2012, F1 Online allows players to race as their favorite real-world teams, or as a fictional team of their own creation. Full-scale
  4. Zumba Fitness tops 3 million sales

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Publisher Majesco has revealed that Zumba Fitness has cleared three million sales worldwide.
    The exercise title has been top of the UK chartfor eight weeks running now, and was also the seventh best-selling game in the US last month.

    Majesco put out the first Zumba Fitness 2 screens today. Set for release on Wii this November and "a second platform in early 2012", the
  5. Counter Strike: Global Offensive playable at Eurogamer Expo

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Valve has announced the sequel to its classic online shooter Counter Strike, which will be playable for the first time in Europe at the Eurogamer Expo in September.
    The sequel, full title, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, will be playable for the first time in North America at Pax Prime and in Europe at the Eurogamer Expo.
    "Counter-Strike took the gaming industry by surprise when the unlikely MOD became the most played online PC action game in the world almost immediately after
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Apr 2003
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