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  1. New Burnout Crash details revealed?

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    A few new scraps of information have appeared regarding EA's rumoured Burnout Crash project.

    According to the Australian Classification Board's product description, as reported by Joystiq, it's "an action arcade style game set in the fictional world of Crash City. The aim of the game is to cause as much damage as possible to traffic and buildings by crashing a car into them."
    That would tally nicely with prior speculation that the game is the Crash Mode-specific PSN/XBLA
  2. No iPhone 5 this year?

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    A traditional summer release for the next iteration of the iPhone is very unlikely, according to a new report.

    A source at the Taiwan-based plant responsible for manufacturing the smartphone's touch panel toldDigitimes that Apple had not yet given them a production roadmap.
    Apparently suppliers are reluctant to make the switch to a new model with demand still so high for the iPhone 4.
    If this is the case, Apple would struggle to get a new device out in time for a June launch
  3. Mona Lisa Halo motion comic release date

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Microsoft will release Halo motion comic The Mona Lisa through Waypoint and the internet next Saturday, 23rd April.

    It retells a story from the Halo Evolution anthology, set shortly after the events of Xbox launch title Halo: Combat Evolved.
    "Sent on a highly-classified mission in the debris field of the Halo artefact, the crew of the UNSC Red Horse discover a derelict prison ship – the Mona Lisa – adrift in space," reads the official blurb.
    "When a contingent
  4. PS3 L.A. Noire cuffs exclusive case

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Owners of L.A. Noire on PS3 may receive an exclusive traffic case called The Consul's Car.

    Supporting evidence was pulled from PS3 shop boxes touting "exclusive content", plus a captured image (on Rockstar Network) - possibly from a video - that reads, "Get The Consul's Car traffic case only on PlayStation 3".
    When confronted with the evidence, a Rockstar official on the company's website said, "Look for more details on that coming soon." Is that
  5. EA flicks out new SSX screenshots

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    EA has put out four new screenshots for its new SSX game - which used to be subtitled 'Deadly Decents' but isn't anymore.

    They've got snow, snowboarders and snowboards - all the things you'd be totally shocked to see in screenshots of a snowboarding game. And they're really pretty.

    EA recently released a new SSX developer diary that's well worth a watch.
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Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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