Homebrew News

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  1. 2K Games and OXM run Borderlands 2 gold cover hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    2K Games has teamed-up with Official Xbox Magazine for a special Borderlands 2 promotion.
    The publisher is printing split-run collector editions covers of OXM, with Borderlands 2 characters appearing on the covers.
    Ten special copies will feature ‘Claptrap Gold Vault Hunter’ cover, and will be distributed across the UK.
    “We want to turn gamers into ‘Vault Hunters’ and encourage them to get out and hunt the golden covers down,” explained 2K’s Ben Lawrence.
    “Those who successfully
  2. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron gets exclusive pre-order offers

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Activision has announced three exclusive retailer pre-order offers for Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.
    UK GAME stores will offer an unlock code for the G1 Retro Pack, which lets fans play as the G1 Optimus Prime from the 1980s cartoon in both multiplayer and single player. The pack also unlocks a G1-inspired Megatron Gun and Shockwave Blast Cannon for the single player campaign.
    Play.com will offer pre-order customers the Swoop pack. This unlocks the popular Dinobot character who has
  3. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 delayed again

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Namco Bandai’s sequel to popular shooter Sniper: Ghost Warrior has been delayed again untill 2013.
    This is the second delay to hit the game, which is caused by the title needing additional polish.
    UK Marketing the PR director Lee Kirton told Videogamer: “I can confirm that this is true. We will provide a full announcement with City Interactive soon.
    “It’s key we all want this title to be fantastic in the genre and the leading Sniper game for sure. The engine is fantastic and the
  4. Zombi U campaign to be created by college leavers through pop-up agency

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Newly launched pop-up communications agency Commercial Break will work with college leavers from underprivileged backgrounds over the summer to provide a marketing campaign for Ubisoft's upcoming Wii U game, Zombi U.
    The agency will open in London for two months over the summer, providing eight places on the team for students aged 18 to 19 from colleges across the city.
    "Fundamentally this is a great initiative to give these students an insight into the creative industries and hopefully
  5. Madfinger Android app suffers 80% piracy rate

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Studio claims number of illegal copies rose to 99 per cent in some countries

    High piracy rates on Android forced Madfinger to make its Dead Trigger app free-to-play, the studio has claimed.
    Speaking to PocketGamer, the Shadow Gun developer's marketing manager Anna Porizkova said that piracy rates on the zombie shooter were as high as 80 per cent.

    She also claimed that some countries saw that number rise to 99 per cent.
    Porizkova added that she understood why
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Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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