Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Scalado Photobeamer for iOS

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Scalado's latest 99 cent app for iOS only does one little thing, but it does it well. Its singular mission is to let you share an image from your Camera Roll to any web-connected display in front of you, without having to navigate through a more sophisticated file-sharing platform or use extra hardware on the receiving device. That recipient can be anything -- a smart TV, tablet, PC, Mac, games console,
  2. The latest retail leak - The Witcher 1 on 360, PS3

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    And another E3 secret is spilt – this time it’s an Xbox 360 and PS3 version of CD Projekt’s The Witcher.
    The Witcher 2 was released for the first time on Xbox 360 last month, having previously only been available on PC.
    However, VG247 has word of retail listings from Denmark for the pair on the sites of both Coolshop and Blockbuster.
    CD Projekt has previously confirmed that the game was in development for consoles but had been held up or possibly cancelled thanks to a dispute with
  3. Gameshastra brings Bollywood and cricket together in FKS Cricket Drive

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Hyderabad-based game developer/publisher Gameshastra today announced FKS Cricket Drive, a game that seemingly brings together two of India’s favourite pastimes – cricket and Bollywood.
    FKS Cricket Drive is based on the Indian film Ferrari Ki Sawaari, which is set for theatrical release on June 15. The game is set for release on iOS and Android platforms, but no release date has been announced, nor has the developer released any details on how it will integrate cricket into the film’s theme.
  4. Fable: The Journey uses Milo's Kinect tech

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Peter Molyneux’s Milo may never see light of day, but a part of it lives on with Fable: The Journey.
    Polygon reports that the skeletal tracking system that interprets player’s gestures.
    But there’s plenty of new tech, too. For instance, the new Fable can be played sitting down – which was infamously a big challenge for Kinect in the past. And the coding included in this new title is a further evolution compared to similar tech found in Forza 4 and Gunslinger.
    "With Forza you
  5. Layoffs as Jagex shuts down year-old MMOG

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    An unspecified number of staff have been laid off at Runescapedeveloper Jagex after the Cambridge studio closed down its8Realms MMOG barely a year after it entered beta. One source claimed the game only had drawn one tenth of the users it needed to turn a profit.
    According to Develop, while some staff have lost their jobs entirely, some will be found new roles within the company, which earlier this month revealed an ambitious expansion for Runescape, The Evolution Of Combat.
    COO Daniel
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Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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