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  1. Ninja Gaiden Sigma comes to Vita in Japan this February

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Team Ninja's PlayStation Vita update of Ninja Gaiden Sigma will arrive in Japan this February, according to the latest issue of Famitsu. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plusis augmented with Ninja Gaiden 3's "Hero Mode," which assists players in experiencing the story by giving Ryu auto-block and auto-dodge. Understanding the story remains a challenge left to the player.

    If the port is ready for release in Japan
  2. Mario Kart 7 review: An exercise in fun/frustration

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    Mario Kart 7 is, as its predecessors always have been, an exceedingly hateful game. Three laps' worth of perfect corner negotiation, aggressive drafting and creating enough sparks to manufacture a small sun can be overturned instantly, sometimes in sight of the finish line. Who am I kidding? It is always in sight of the finish line, and it's always Toad, an innocuous-looking bastard who's caused me to snatch
  3. Battlefield 3 'client update' deploying on PS3 tomorrow, 360 'will follow shortly'

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

    The official Battlefield 3 Twitter account this morning announced plans to launch the PlayStation 3 iteration of its latest title update (dubbed a "client update") for BF3 tomorrow. Additionally, it seems that the Xbox 360 will be getting the same update in the near future, as the post on Battlelog states it'll "follow shortly" after tomorrow's PS3 update. PC players
  4. Voltron defends the universe on XBLA and PSN this week

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    All right, so publisher THQ might have been lion about the October release date for the new Voltron XBLA/PSN game, but the wait is almost over for the latest exercise in robo-combinatorics.

    The downloadable game based on the beloved cartoon (and more beloved die-cast toy) will be released today on PSN, and tomorrow on XBLA. In Voltron: Defender of the Universe, players each control one robot lion, choosing
  5. Rhythm Heaven Fever spreads to North America in February

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Open the latest issue of Nintendo Power and you'll find yourself looking at four pages of heaven. Rhythm Heaven, specifically. The magazine drops the news we've been waiting for: an official release window for the Wii iteration of Nintendo and Tsunku's musical minigame series, titled Rhythm Heaven Fever. It's set for February 2012.

    The article introduces several of the vibrantly cartoonish, inexplicable activities
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Apr 2003
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