Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Star Wars: The Old Republic beta delayed in Europe

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The European version of the Star Wars: The Old Republic beta has been delayed.
    No new date has been announced. Fans are still waiting for a firm release date for the actual game.
    "Firstly, there’s a new build of the game on the horizon,” community manager Chris Collins clarified on the game’s official forum.
    “This is a major build, meaning there will be character wipes and a new client to download. As you may be aware, the current client download is around 27GB in size.
  2. Konami scraps Xbox PES 2012 demo

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The first PES 2012 demo that is already available on PS3 will not now be released on Xbox 360 after all.
    Konami announced last month that the free taster had been delayed on Microsoft’s machine until some time in September. Now, however, it won’t be released at all.
    “Sorry to confirm that due to issues on both sides we can’t release the first PES2012 demo for 360,” Konami’s UK PES team leader Jon Murphy.
    “We’ve tried hard but have to give up. We – Konami, the PES team and myself
  3. Rising Star Games exceeds 1m Harvest Moon sales

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Publisher Rising Star has managed to sell more than 1m units of the Harvest Moon series across PAL territories.
    Over the last decade, the UK firm has handled 13 games in Natsume’s farming series which has become the flagship of its portfolio.
    “Reaching 1m sales of Harvest Moon is certainly a cause for celebration and we are ecstatic,” said the firm’s MD Martin Defries.
    “This is a huge achievement for us. It goes to show what a strong market there is for Japanese games in the PAL
  4. Sony UK splashes £3m on Resistance 3

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sony is pulling out all the stops to make Resistance 3 a September blockbuster, with a whopping £3m marketing spend.
    The PS3 exclusive hits shelves on September 9th, backed by a special outdoor event, as well as ads on TV, in cinemas, online and in print.
    TV ads have been running throughout August and will continue this month, along with 60-second cinema spots at the start of summer movie blockbusters such as The Inbetweeners. There will be takeovers on a range of websites and giant
  5. Vehicle armour replenishes in Battlefield 3

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Vehicle armour in Battlefield 3 will replenish if kept out of the line of enemy fire, DICE has revealed.
    However, according to a new post on the officialBattleblog, the vehicle will be disabled once it passes a certain damage threshold, with fire and smoke indicating that it's about to explode.
    Unlike in previous Battlefield games, you'll still be able to fire a vehicles' weapons while it's disabled, allowing you to lay down covering fire while engineers attempt to patch up the damage.
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Apr 2003
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