Homebrew News

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  1. Sonic creators worked on Wii Play sequel

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sonic The Hedgehog creators Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima were among the developers who made mini-games for the recent Wii Play: Motion collection, Nintendo has revealed.

    According to the latest Iwata Asks roundtable, published on Nintendo's official site, Yuji Naka's Prope studio designed the Twigger Twist game, whereas Naoto Ohshima's new start-up Arzest created Jump Park, Cone Zone and Spooky Search.

    Naka programmed the original Sonic The Hedgehog for Sega back in
  2. Bleszinski: Continuing Gears Of War is 'business 101'

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Epic design chief Cliff Bleszinski has indicated that the studio would be surprised if it didn't create another Gears Of War following the release of the third in the series.

    When asked by Ripten if Epic's wish to close the Gears 'trilogy' still left room for more Gears games in the future, Bleszinski replied:

    "Well, there's always the Peter Jackson route, right? Do The Hobbit or something like that. I mean, we're business people. Gears 1 and 2 sold about 6 million
  3. Retail blamed for Ghost Recon PC ports

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The lack of dedicated PC Ghost Recon titles was a result of the sorry state of the retail market for the platform, Ubisoft has explained.

    Theo Sanders, creative director of the forthcoming Ghost Recon Online, told CVG that all PC releases in the series were ported down from the console versions.

    "We knew it was a platform we wanted to come back to. However, until recently, the retail market for PC made it difficult to invest in a big, dedicated product," he
  4. Lara Croft was "losing relevance"

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Tomb Raider developer Crystal Dynamics decided to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise because heroine Lara Croft was starting to lose relevance, so says brand director Karl Stewart.

    In a Rock Paper Shotgun interview, Stewart argued that gamers were struggling to relate to the invincible, infallible old Lara. Conversely, the revised take on the gaming icon will be more more grounded and accessible.

    "I think Lara's a beloved character and Crystal has really enjoyed
  5. Call of Duty Elite beta PC, PS3 details

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    PC and PlayStation 3 gamers will have to wait to jump into the Call of Duty: Elite beta, Activision has said.

    The social network and stat tracking service is already live for Xbox 360 owners.

    PS3 gamers get Elite "this summer". PC gamers have to wait until the autumn.

    The news comes alongside the release of a new Call of Duty: Elite trailer, below, taken from a personal walkthrough from Beachhead studio head Chacko Sonny and Noah Heller, product
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