Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Metal Gear HD Collection listed at $49

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Konami's Metal Gear Solid HD Collection's been listed at $49.99 in North America - $10 short of a full-price retail title.

    That number comes via US retailer Gamestop, which also lists a release date of November 29.

    Revealed last month at Konami's pre-E3 conference, the collection will include Metal Gear Solid 2, MGS 3 Subsistence and PSP entry MGS Peace Walker.

    Ported to PS3 and Xbox 360 by Bluepoint, the studio behind the God of War Collection, the updated
  2. LAPD Homicide Detective details L.A. Noire's inaccuracies

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sure, Rockstar's detective simulator L.A. Noire is popular, but is it accurate? If hard-pressed, could Noire train someone to solve a real-life murder, or would they make a hash of it and go to prison forever and ever? We're really hoping it's the former: Ever since Joystiq PD's Homicide Desk got wiped out by the recession, we've had a lot of unsolved murders piling up around here. Like, a lot.

    Thankfully, long-time LAPD veteran Skip Bauchman (yes, his real name) is here to tell us
  3. Minecraft passes 10 million users

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    PC indie phenomenon Minecraft now has in excess of 10 million registered users, creator Markus 'Notch' Persson's has revealed in his blog.

    According to the stats page on the game's official site, the total number of registered users currently sits at 10,005,304 of which 2,674,372 have actually bought the game.

    With the game currently selling for €14.95, that adds up to around £32 million in revenue to date for tiny Swedish developer Mojang.

    To give you
  4. Capcom announces Ixion Saga

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Ixion Saga, a new online multiplayer combat game, launches on PC next year, publisher Capcom has announced.

    According to Andriasang the title was revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu. It's an eight versus eight combat game that sees you doing battle with swords, guns and magic.

    There are three default character classes to choose from - Striker, Caster and Blaster – and players can reportedly form "unions" with others.

    A Western release wasn't
  5. Mega Man Legends 3: 3DS gets another must-have

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The last time we checked in with Mega Man Legends 3 we were ogling concept art, comparing prototype art styles and marvelling at the unprecedented openness with which Capcom are developing this most unlikely of sequels.

    If you remember, they're running everything past the fans on capcom-unity.com/devroom, getting your approval on many aspects of the game before proceeding.

    Since then, we've ogled a bit more concept art, drunk our own weight in tea and witnessed this
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Apr 2003
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