Homebrew News

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  1. Novarama now Sony exclusive developer

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Invizimals developer Novarama has signed an exclusivity deal with Sony and is currently focused on the new PlayStation Vita.

    "For a studio geared towards innovation like Novarama, having a partner of the size and experience of Sony is the perfect blend" said Dani Sánchez-Crespo, Novarama's CEO. "These are exciting times to be part of the Sony family. With PS Vita on the horizon, the possibilities for creativity are endless."

    The Barcelona based company
  2. Sledgehammer: 60fps is our "competitive edge"

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sledgehammer Games co-founder and general manager Glen Schofield has discussed the rivalry between its Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 in a new interview, insisting that Call Of Duty still has the technical edge.

    Speaking to website AusGamers, both Schofield and the interviewer refer to Battlefield 3 only as "the competitor". However, when asked whether he is concerned at the graphical advantage that it appears to have over Modern Warfare 3 Schofield replied:
  3. Ex-Call of Duty boys tease new game with image

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Respawn Entertainment, the studio founded by former Infinity Ward/Modern Warfare boys Jason West and Vince Zampella, has teased the first image of its unannounced game.

    Unfortunately the image is just a blurry teaser of what's to come, released via the official website launched today.

    Of course, the site gives away nothing further on the game. "Yes, we are working on a game. No, we haven't revealed it yet. Yes, at some point we will," it says on the front
  4. Jeff Minter's new iPhone game Deflex

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    What the bleating hell is this? Why it's the return of Tempest 2000 and Space Giraffe maker Jeff Minter, who's making a new game for iPhone called Deflex.

    It's an iOS adaptation of a game as old as I am: Superdeflex from 1982.

    Touch Arcade's preview describes a bonkers Breakout-style game with oxen, bulls, smileys and telephones rather than floating bricks. And rather than have a sliding paddle at the bottom of the screen you're given control of bats that don't appear
  5. EB Australia to recall Resident Evil 3D?

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Electronics Boutique Australia is reportedly about to pull Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D from sale.

    Vooks.net claimed today that the supposed decision was a response to fears surrounding the game's second-hand sale value.

    "Our source says that this is due to the game not having the ability to be started fresh, meaning that any re-sell of the game is basically useless," Vooks said.

    Gamers reacted angrily to the news yesterday – verified by
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