Homebrew News

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  1. Bleszinski: 'I'd love to make Kinect game'

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Epic man (in more ways than one) Cliff Bleszinski has said he'd love to make a Kinect game, and even said he'd consider Kinect functionality in a possible future Gears of War game.

    The Gears of War creator is a big fan of games that mix traditional controls with Kinect enhancements. "One of the sexiest things at [Microsoft's E3] press conference was the Ghost Recon thing where the guy [made hand gestures] and the gun exploded. That was hot," he said to Industry Gamers.
  2. Tetris goes 3D on PSN today, 3DS in October

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    If you run to your PS3 now and fire up Tetris, you'll be presented with the option to update. Download that 75MB file and -- just like that! -- you'll be playing in 3D. Oh, also, you have to have a 3D television and be wearing your glasses. We should really have told you about that part first.

    In other 3D Tetris news, right before E3 the Tetris Company announced plans to localize Hudson's Tetris Axis for 3DS this October, claiming that it "will allow fans to experience the game
  3. LA Noire sales "below our estimate"

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Rockstar's epic detective caper L.A. Noire sold 899,000 copies in the US during its debut month on sale.

    While that doesn't sound too shabby to us, industry analyst Wedbush Securities isn't impressed.

    Its monthly investor report noted that the game's performance was "below our estimate of one million units".

    The game, which scored a sturdy 8/10 from Eurogamer last month, topped the monthly NPD sales chart, as reported last night.
  4. Sony hasn't asked for Twisted Metal Vita

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Since Sony unveiled its new portable device earlier this year, it seems to have confirmed Vita versions of almost all its key franchises.

    New iterations of Uncharted, Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, WipeOut, Killzone and ModNation Racers are all incoming, however, no mention has yet been made of Twisted Metal.

    David Jaffe told Eurogamer at E3 last week that Sony is yet to speak to him about a portable take on his car combat franchise.

    "They haven't
  5. Bit.Trip Complete announced for Wi

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The downloadable Bit.Trip games are being rounded up onto a single Wii disc later this Summer, developer Gaijin Games has announced.

    Bit.Trip Complete will include all six episodes in Gaijin's genre-hopping revisionist jaunt through the history of game development, and a treasure trove of extras on the side.

    Here's the full rundown of additional content promised, as detailed on the developer's blog:

    120 completely new Bit.Trip challenges spanning all
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