Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. App of the Day: Domino's Pizza for WinPho

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Much-hyped food app makes its debut on the Microsoft OS.
    The app lets pizza lovers find their nearest store, browse the menu and then place their order. They can also customise pizzas by base, size and toppings.
    It's been a wild success on other formats: the iPhone app alone has generated over £10m in sales in the past year.
    Indeed, 13 per cent of all Domino's digital sales come through a tablet or smartphone.
    The Windows 7 version was developed by Vexed Digital, and is being
  2. Gotham City Impostors fails to unlock for some PS3 players

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    It seems that some PS3 users are running into trouble with Gotham City Impostors, and we're not referring to all the fake Batmen clogging the streets. According to posts on the Gotham City Impostors forums, some PS3 users are unable to unlock the full version of the game. Even after paying for the title, some find themselves stuck with the trial version.

    A forum administrator notes that
  3. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier brings information warfare to the front

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The signs of a good interface aren't always visible. An elegant in-game display susses out the sweet spot between education and economy, making it an art that is often overlooked by design. And when games aim, claim or clamor to be cinematic, life bars and scores tend to be the first things tossed out as distracting clutter. The traditional HUD is fading from view.

    Ghost Recon: Future
Join Date
Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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