Homebrew News

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  1. Yoshida thought Demon's Souls was "unbelievably bad"

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida admits that he thought Demon's Souls - a game Sony had the opportunity to publish - was "crap … unbelievably bad."
    Speaking to Game Informer, Yoshida said that when he first sawDemon's Souls it was a mess, with framerate problems and no network features, and that as such Sony opted against picking up the publishing rights.
    "Game development in Japan typically is made horizontally, where all assets are made in parallel, so
  2. Rockstar considers L.A. Noire sequel

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Publisher doesn't 'count out' the possibility of a sequel after Team Bondi's closure.

    Rockstar Games may plan to follow the success of L.A. Noire with a sequel.
    Despite the closure of the developer Team Bondi following allegations of employee mismanagement, the franchise could see a follow up in the future.

    "We're all very pleased with how that game turned out and are considering what the future may hold for L.A. Noire as a series." wrote a Rockstar spokesperson
  3. Monster Hunter Tri G - Rumours

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The latest issue of gaming magazine EDGE features an article in which a small sentence not only hints at a western release for Monster Hunter Tri G, but also at the added inclusion of an online play mode.

    Note that there is no official statement from Capcom concerning the addition of an online feature or even a localisation as of now, so this is still to be treated merely as rumours. Still: Let the speculation begin!

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Apr 2003
Nottingham, England
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