Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. App Of The Day: Arel Wars

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Choose your tribe and defend against the enemy using tactics and strategy.
    Mobile games developer Gamevil is behind the role-playing app, which invites players to use their wits and strategise their attacks against enemies.
    The story is based around three tribes that are locked in battle in the land of Drusilla.
    Players can choose to dive into war as any of the Elven, Hume or Beast tribes on offer to secure control of the region.
    Kyu Lee, VP and head of Gamevil USA, says:
  2. Street Fighter X Tekken out on Vita this fall with 12 more characters

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken will be the most populous of all. In addition to the PS3/Vita-exclusive Pac-Man, Mega Man, Cole, Toro, and Kuro, Capcom announced twelve extra characters on Vita as part of its Street Fighter 25th Anniversary celebration. The portable fighter will have exclusive access to Street Fighter's Elena, Guy, Cody, Sakura, Dudley and Blanka, and Tekken's Alisa, Christie, Jack, Brian, Lars
  3. Modern Warfare 3 'Overwatch' out today [update]

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Activision is dropping the next Call of Duty Elite content pack for Modern Warfare 3 in Overwatch, a rooftop map for the game's multiplayer component. If you'd like to take a peek at that map, we've dropped the latest trailer just above.

    The Overwatch DLC map for MW3 is exclusive to 360 for a limited time.

  4. Asura's Wrath DLC isn't kidding about this 'anime-inspired' stuff

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Asura's Wrath is out today, which can mean only one thing -- the announcement of DLC. Capcom said Asura's Wrath will be getting several "substantial" DLC packs, two of which are "anime-inspired" episodes that will provide insight into the main game's story. We think Capcom is being humble here; not only do these particular installments look to be inspired by anime, they're rendered in full-blown, traditional Japanese-cartoon style.

    We caught wind previously of another DLC installment
  5. Persona 4 fighter officially coming stateside this summer

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    The mystery of that spooky teaser email has been definitively solved. Atlus announced plans to localize Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena for PS3 and Xbox 360, under the title Persona 4 Arena, which we won't have to look up every time we write about it.

    Developed by Arc System Works, the fighter features battles between Persona 3and 4 characters in high-resolution 2D, and will be delivered to North America this summer. So if you were planning to summon a demon to bring this
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