Homebrew News

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  1. Free South Park episode for Vita owners

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Sony has placed a free episode of Canadian cartoon series South Park on the PlayStation store for Vita owners.
    Currently the 12th, 13th and 14th seasons of the TV series can be downloaded to Sony’s machine, with the first episode of the 12thseries (found under the South Park Uncensored menu on the PS Store) can be downloaded for free.
    The move will undoubtedly be designed to get Vita owners to visit the video store, which offers a large array of content to own or rent but has understandably
  2. Want every bit of Mass Effect 3's DLC? It'll cost you $870

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    BioWare fans looking for the complete Mass Effect 3 experience face an alarming outlay.
    Destructoid totted up the added cost of buying every pre-order incentive and every piece of DLC available across the market.
    And in Mass Effect 3’s case, many DLC offers come only as part of hardware bundles featuring certain Razer products.
    The short story is that to buy absolutely everything including every single DLC offer comes to an eye watering $870, or £549.
    Here’s the complete
  3. Mass Effect 3 pre-orders smash targets

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    EA's space-age campaign has already had an astronomical effect, with pre-orders placing ‘well ahead’ of where the publisher was at the same point with Mass Effect 2.
    The publisher has been sending weather balloons into space with copies of the new game and GPS devices attached to them. Consumers can track their movements on the Mass Effect website and try to find them when they land.
    On top of this, Electronic Arts is building a ‘triple-A campaign’ to support the game, the publisher
  4. Dear Esther sells 50,000

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    More than 50,000 copies of haunting PC adventure Dear Estherwere sold in its first week on sale, developer Dan Pinchbeck has confirmed.
    Thechineseroom's game, which began life as a Half-Life 2 mod, was released on February 14 and recouped The Indie Fund's £30,000 investment in the game in five and a half hours. In a post on the game's official site Pinchbeck reveals that those strong initial sales continued throughout its first week on Steam.
    "The game has been successful far beyond
  5. League of Legends backers fund Hawken

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Free-to-play mech game receives $10m in funding

    Meteor Entertainment has raised $10 million in funding for free-to-play online mech-'em-up Hawken.
    Meteor's subsidiary studio, Adhesive Games, is currently developing Hawken for release on 12 December, 2012.

    Backers include Benchmark Capital and Firstmark Capital, both early funders of the free-to-play blockbuster League of Legends.
    “We are seeing the rise of the direct-to-consumer model, where all is downloadable
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Apr 2003
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