Homebrew News

This is DCEmus Homebrew Only Site covering the best of Homebrew and Emulation.

  1. Grand Theft Auto V exposed - Rockstar spills the beans

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Rockstar has at last laid bare its ambitious plans for Grand Theft Auto V.
    As detailed by US mag Game Informer and reported by CVG, Rockstar says that GTAV's gameworld is bigger than GTA San Andreas, GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption combined. It even features a fully modelled ocean floor that can be explored.
    The reason for the return to a San Andreas-like setting was also revealed – basically, Rockstar felt it didn't quite nail the LA vibe last time. And it wants to put that right.
  2. Epic Mickey 2: The Power Of Two – can music, HD and choice help the mouse

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    When we first played Epic Mickey 2, we tested out its co-op mechanic, taking on Mickey’s long-forgotten precursor, Oswald, in order to solve puzzles alongside the mouse. Junction Point resurrected the rabbit as an anti-hero in the previous game, although he experienced a change of heart later on. The pair of heroes are reunited in Epic Mickey 2, but while they may share similarities, Oswald doesn’t
  3. WoW subscriber numbers back to over 10m

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    World of Warcraft’s user figures have risen beyond the 10m mark once more, having dipped to 9.1m in the company’s last financial quarter.
    Activision Blizzard has credited the release of Mists of Pandaria for the boost in subscribers.
    They’re still say way short of the 12m the game was enjoying in its heyday, but the news certainly bucks the script of those who think free-to-play will spell the end of subscriptions.
    Other subscription MMOs are not faring so well, however. EA and
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Apr 2003
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