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Whats your Favourite Alcohol or Beer/Real Ale etc

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Over the xmas/january period i tried around 60 diferent real ales and beers and i have to say that i do like Guinness but also a Real Ale called Snecklifter you get from Morrisions, also Bombadier is nice, as for spirits i like Baileys and Malibu

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  1. Kaiser's Avatar
    My favourite beer is Asahi Super Dry. A great Japanese beer without too much carbonation.
    My favourite spirit is gin, usually in the form of a gin and tonic or similar drinks.

    At the moment though because of my lack of money in University I drink whatever I can afford. Which is usually cheap cheap local stuff. That's not to say there isn't good local breweries here, it's just to say I'm not one drinking the good stuff my city makes. :/
  2. Martin's Avatar
    My favorite beer is probably Bishop's Finger or Old Speckled Hen, whenever I feel I can afford them. Also a fan of Czech beer like Staropramen and Zlatopramen.
  3. Darksaviour69's Avatar
    franziskaner or any good wheat beer
  4. guymelef's Avatar
    If you're in the US you should check out Sunshine Wheat from New Belgium Brewing in Colorado. It's a filtered wheat and it bubbles like soda. My faves in no particular order.

    Miller High Life (add a little tomatoe juice, seriously just do it)
    Boulevard Wheat
    Sunshine Wheat
    Fat tire
    Blue paddle
    YeungLeung (sp?)
    Pilsner Urquell
  5. wraggster's Avatar
    im just drinking my alcoholic Ginger beer, goes down a treat


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