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Resistance dev can 'keep pushing PS3'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The PlayStation 3 hardware still has more to give and Resistance 3 developer Insomniac says it "can keep pushing" it.

That's according to senior designer Cameron Christian and writer Jon Paquette, who claim gamers will now start to see the sort of leap in quality present in PS2's later generation titles.

"I think it does [have more to give]," Christian told CVG of Sony's console. "Each year we're finding better ways to optimise and different ways to program for it. Being more efficient, figuring out new tricks to get better looking graphics... we can keep pushing that I think.

"We can focus more on content at the moment because we understand the hardware. I think that's big."

Writer Paquette added that he'd "definitely" like to see the PS3 live on for a few more years.

"You remember when the PS2 first came out? The games that came out at the end of that cycle, when people got better at using the hardware, improved. So I think there's still a lot of life in there. I feel like if there's too much console rollover then it makes it harder for us to become experts at the console and take full advantage of it.

"From a development standpoint when you create the tools to actually create the game - that's a lot of work. But once you get a game or two done with those tools, they start to mature and become easier to use. It's then easier to iterate on the content, which is key to quality.

"The more iteration you get, the more quality you get and with new technology you get less time for iteration."

Resistance 3 is out on September 9. Have a butchers at the latest trailer and screenshots if you haven't already.


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