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Star Wars Galaxies endgame detailed

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Soon-to-be-euthanased MMO Star Wars Galaxies isn't going down quietly, judging by Sony Online's plans for its final weeks.
According to the official site, the game's ongoing Galactic Civil War will start to escalate from the beginning of September as both the Empire and Rebel factions seek a decisive victory.
Both sides will be totting up points for the next three months, with the finally tally being announced shortly before the game's 15th December closedown.
"The side with the higher score will win the game, and the galaxy, for each server, as well as change the way the game will end and what happens in the final moments," explained a post by a community manager.
"Celebrations will be in order for those who win and, for the losers, let's just say they'll be going out with a bang."
Any neutral players who decide to opt out of the scrap get new decorations in the Storyteller system that will allow them to host their own shutdown events.
In order to take part you must have an active paid subscription, Game Pass or SOE All Access Game Pass as of 15th September.
Any lapsed players looking to get involved need to log in and purchase a 30-day pass to reactivate their account. You'll only be charged once but will be able to play right through to the end of the game in December.
Those who have a non-recurring SWG Game Pass should log into their account and click on "GAME PASS INO" to check if their pass will still be active on 15th September. If not, you'll need to purchase additional game time to see how it all ends.
Sony announced the imminent closure of the MMO, which first launched in 2003, back in June.
"We are extremely grateful to all of the SWG fans," read the announcement.
"We have had the rare opportunity to host one of the most dedicated and passionate online gaming communities and we truly appreciate the support we've received from each and every one of you over the course of the past eight years."

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