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Street Fighter 3: Third Strike DLC packs detailed

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Capcom has detailed plans to release multiple download packs for Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Online Edition in the coming months.
Next week, "September 6/7", it will release 'Color Pack 1', which costs $2.99 and will add seven new outfit colours for every character (however those new colours won't appear in replays or be visible to anyone who hasn't bought the pack).

Also in the pipeline is a set of Music Packs which add all the background themes from Street Fighter 3: New Generations and Second Impact.

And finally Capcom's preparing some 'Match Packs' which will each give you over an hour of content covering some 'semi-secret' tournament Capcom held at its office that pitted some the world's best SF players. Footage will be accompanied by professional commentary from pro SF man James Chen.

Capcom recently released the first of a couple of patches in the works for Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition, this one adding YouTube functionality to the Xbox 360 version, along with some other tidbits.


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