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Star Wars: The Old Republic beta delayed in Europe

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The European version of the Star Wars: The Old Republic beta has been delayed.
No new date has been announced. Fans are still waiting for a firm release date for the actual game.
"Firstly, there’s a new build of the game on the horizon,” community manager Chris Collins clarified on the game’s official forum.
“This is a major build, meaning there will be character wipes and a new client to download. As you may be aware, the current client download is around 27GB in size.
"If we were to invite players en masse today, those players would have to download the entirety of the client to access the game. There’s every chance that later this week, the service will go offline and this new version will be rolled out, meaning everyone currently in Testing will have to not only download the entire client again (another 27GB download), but will also have their characters erased and have to start afresh.
“This is a relatively large amount to download in such a short space of time and not an experience we want new testers to be exposed to."


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