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Back to the Future ep. 1 now free

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Telltale Games is offering all PC and Mac users the first episode of its Back to the Future series free of charge.

You can download it now from the game's official site and then, if you like what you see, subscribe to the full five-episode series for $22.49.
"This isn't an April Fools gimmick or prank! And we're not setting an expiration or cut off date for this free game availability!" read Telltale's announcement.
It's a free lunch, people – fill your boots. And very worthwhile it is too – the game won a solid 7/10when it launched late last year.
Episode three, subtitled Citizen Brown, launched on PC and Mac earlier this week, while PlayStation 3 users still await part two, Get Tannen.

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