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Sniper Elite V2 revealed, first screen

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Sniper Elite V2, a sequel to the 2005 game that had players picking off foes in WWII sniper missions, is headed to PS3 and 360 next year.

Sniper Elite first released on the PS2, Xbox and PC, placing players in the boots of AN American OSS secret agent disguised as a German sniper IN Berlin during the WWII conflict, putting your patience, stealth and shooting abilities to the test.

Details on the sequel are non-existent, other than the promise that it'll be a modern take on the six-year-old game that will "revitalise a genre all of its own when it is released in 2012".

"It's fantastic for us to be involved in the world of Sniper Elite again. We look forward to winning even more awards with Sniper Elite V2 and wowing the consumers with what will be a great game," said Rebellion CTO Chris Kinsley.

505 Games has snagged publishing rights. The first image of the game is above.

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