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Sledgehammer: "We'll probably cancel third-person COD"

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Sledgehammer Games' general manager Glen Schofield believes its third-person Call Of Duty project will be cancelled.
The studio is currently working on Modern Warfare 3, but, speaking to C&VG, Schofield said that the game's time period could be too "niche" to make continuing a viable option.
"We'll probably cancel it. They gave us the choice of: do you want to work on Modern Warfare 3, or do you want to continue working on this? And we really liked that," Schofield said.
"We liked what we were doing. It's third person, probably set at a time that might have niched it too much. I bet that if we had kept going, within a month or two I probably would have switched the time period, but kept the gameplay. It had some really cool stuff."
The development of Modern Warfare 3 allowed both Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer to hire, with both studios now over 100 employees. For Sledgehammer's next project, Schofield believes the studio will be able to work alone.
"Initially we weren't fully functional because we had to learn a new engine. Now we have, I think the best thing that could happen for Activision would be for us to both go off and make our own game," he continued.
"Whether that's a Call of Duty game or not is up in the air. I plan to continue working on Call of Duty. "


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