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Vita Bioshock title at "paper design stage"

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Ken Levine, Irrational Games co-founder and creative director, has revealed that the company's new Bioshock title for Vita is still very early on in the development process.
"We're still sort of in the paper design stage," Levine told Joystiq.
He also spoke about the possibility of outsourcing the project to another development studio.
"To keep quality level, I wish I could say it was easy, it just tends to be more time consuming. It's just hard to find the right partners or the right people to hire."
"There are never enough resources to do anything, you know? We're always stretched."
One of the ways Levine hopes to maintain that quality level is by staying innovative, promising something "a little different" and "unique" for the Bioshock series.
"We have a Metacritic average of something like 88 or 89 percent," he explained.
"And the way you do that is you're very careful with your bets ... we made that bet and now we're very carefully proceeding to make sure that it's a game that stands tall within the franchise."
Back in July Levine spoke about his passion for the new Sony handheld.
Irrational, which is currently hiring for art, programming and QA positions, will release Bioshock Infinite next year. There is no release date for the Bioshock Vita project.


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