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Jurassic Park Euro release delayed until 2012

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
European Xbox 360 owners will not get to play Jurassic Park: The Game this year, developer Telltale Games has announced.
While the game is still on track for its 15th November PC and PlayStation Network release, the lack of a publishing presence in Europe has thrown a spanner in the works for the boxed Xbox 360 retail release.
"Europe is a big deal to us so we're working hard to have the game out on PSN in Europe on the same day as here in North America. We'll be able to confirm that soon hopefully," read a forum post from a Telltale spokesperson.
"As for Xbox 360, we are not a European publisher i.e., we don't have a European office. That means that we need a publishing partner over there to get the game out to you.
"The good news is that we'll be able to make an announcement on that soon. So, while we won't be able to get the 360 version to you before the end of the year, we'll do everything that we can to get it to you as soon as possible."
In related Jurassic Park news, Telltale has also revealed details of a Mac and PC special edition of the game.
Up for pre-order on the Telltale site now, it includes the following extras:
  • Replica InGen staff ID badge as seen in the movie and the game
  • Replica of movie Brochure/Map, updated to include game content
  • Replica of Jurassic Park patch as worn on staff uniforms
  • InGen Field Guide: 32 Pages of content welcoming you to Jurassic Park
  • Exclusive Limited Edition packaging
  • Access to exclusive digital content including the game soundtrack and behind the scenes video
It's priced at $39.99, down from $49.99 for a limited time. Telltale warns that international orders might not ship in time for Christmas.


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