
Today, I played Sonic the Hedgehog 4... For the very first time.

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Yes, you read correctly... "The very first time", thanks to the U.S. PlayStation Store having the demo, which for some reason the UK store does not (I've even searched for it many times).

Anyway, I played through the first level demo with my SEGA Saturn controller (I now refuse to play a Sonic game with a non-SEGA controller) and was quite impressed with the demo overall. Although, it was ruined by the adding of the lock-on targeting, which did not exist pre-SonicAdventure.

Also, to celebrate my new YouTube channel (VampDudeDCEmu), which from time to time I will upload gaming related videos. My dodgy footage from my HDDcam, which was rested on my knee during gameplay. Something that will not be an issue once I go back to recording in my standard format, when my new HDD arrives for my homebrew PS3 (component to DVD) and free advertising to DCEmu.

I'm considering purchasing the full version from the store, but I'll wait and see if anyone wishes to see a playthrough. Obviously without the shaky cam.

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