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World of Warcraft patch 4.3 Hour of Twilight notes

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The official World of Warcraft website is down, but the WOW Wiki has all of the 4.3 changes to peruse.Original story: Blizzard has unleashed the full patch notes for World of Warcraft version 4.3, Hour of Twilight.This is the climactic Cataclysm patch that includes a showdown with mega-dragon Deathwing. To beat him, you must travel back through time to the War of the Ancients, to when Deathwing - then Neltharion the Earth-Warder - and the other Dragon Aspects were created to protect the world of Azeroth.You'll work with legendary orc Thrall, and the other Dragon Aspects - Alexstraza, Nozdomu, Ysera and Kalecgos - to bring Deathwing's tyranny to an end.That's the focus of the new patch. But, as always, there's plenty else to look forward to.There's a new Raid Finder feature; there's Transmogrification; there's Void Storage; there's new dungeons and raids and quests; and there are two new Legendary daggers. These daggers have a stacking increase to agility that, when maxed during combat, unfurl dark wings from the rogue's back.On top of that are myriad alterations to class abilities as well as a slew of tweaks to the game in general.The full WOW 4.3 patch notes are nicely organised - with relevant links to blogs describing new dungeons or features - on the game's website.


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