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Two million suffer dildo death in Saints Row 3

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
In our world we track boring things like unemployment or immigration rates. In Saints Row's world we track more important things like how many people have been battered to death with a giant sex toy.
That figure is 2 million and counting, by the way, which is impressive. Apparently, players of Saints Row: The Third have also killed 44 million pimps, gimps, and prostitutes, and have spent an accumulative two years running around naked as they drop-kick members of the public."5.8 billion citizens of Steelport have met their demise while roaming around town. That's 19 times the population of the US, or 85% of the population of the world," says THQ. Lol.
This Saints Row The Third stats page would give The Daily Mail staff nosebleeds.


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