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Theme Park iOS game has $60 DLC

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
We fear some surprise charges turning up on the bills of young iPhone games when EA launches its new Theme Park game on iOS.
Theme Park is a classic managerial sim that's making a return as a 'freemium' iOS game, but it doesn't sound like the game we know and love. Users will be able to download the game for free but will find many of the game's more attractive features locked.Reviews from Canada, where the game has just released, report that the game's better park attractions are unlocked as the player increases in level - something that is apparently overly time-consuming.
The seemingly intentional monotony of a drawn out level system helps to push users to the game's other unlocking option - purchasing 'Tickets' with real money to exchange for rides.
According to AOL's Games Blog (via Shacknews), one ride - "a Skull-Train roller coaster" - will cost an impatient gamer a massive $60 worth of Tickets to unlock.
EA, it seems, is taking iOS gamers for a ride.
A number of PS Vita games have recently shown signs of taking queues from iOS games with pricing structures. Let's hope it never gets this ridiculous on Sony's handhelds.


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