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Polytron working on Kinect project, Microsoft 'interested'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

With Fez wrapped up and heading to Xbox Live Arcade, Polytron Corporation head Phil Fish is already discussing the studio's next project. Speaking toGamasutra, Fish revealed that its collaboration with Kokoromi, Super Hypercube is now in development for Kinect. Super Hypercube is a puzzle game which tasks players with manipulating 3D objects and slotting them into differently shaped holes. Originally created to utilize head tracking with a Wii Remote, the game has since transitioned to Kinect. The game was a finalist at IndieCade earlier this year, with Fish noting that Microsoft "seemed interested" in the title.

To learn a little more about the project, we spoke with Fish, who tells us that Polytron and Kokoromi "went back to the drawing board" with the Super Hypercube, essentially rebooting development. "It has slightly different gameplay and art style, but basically it works the same way," says Fish, "You move your head, it moves the camera." Beyond that, Fish stresses that the project is "a bit early," so it may be some time before we hear much more.

You can learn more about the original Super Hypercube design (and even download the game) from the Polytron website.


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