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Metal Gear Solid 3D accessories increase your 3DS camo index

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Your 3DS doesn't have to be naked while playing Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. Accessory company Hori is releasing a suite of themed 3DS accessories, with which you can outfit your handheld to prepare it for the rigors of CQC.

The Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D Accessory Set includes an olive drab pouch for the system and games, a set of camo stickers for the interior of the system, a "Protect Cover" for the exterior featuring Yoji Shinkawa's character art, and a stylus on a lanyard.

In Japan, the Accessory Set will retail for ¥2,981, out alongside the game on March 8. Hori accessories are often released stateside, to retailers like Amazon as well as Hori's own store, so it's quite likely you'll be able to do some on-site procurement of your own accessories.


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