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Disgaea team crafting a dungeon RPG for 2012, Nippon Ichi announces more

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

During a recent Nippon Ichi press conference, CEO Sohei Shinkawa announced a handful of projects the company is working on for the immediate future. The first likely won't require all that much actual work -- it's Cave Story 3D, which the company is publishing in Japan. He added that two other projects are in the pipeline: A new adventure game scheduled for a Japanese Summer 2012 launch, and a dungeon-centric RPG from the Disgaea team due out sometime in 2012.

During a later Q&A, Shinkawa revealed that the company would like to release at least one Vita title next year, but did not confirm whether either of the newly announced projects would be that title. Shinkawa also revealed all this information while wearing a Prinny-shaped hat, so we're not sure we can believe a single thing he said.


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