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Dark Souls admin suggests PC could happen with a petition

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post

Petitions come and petitions go, but when an employee of Namco Bandai suggests Dark Souls could get ported to PC with a few thousand signatures, we take notice. Administrator shoupinou responded to a request for a PC version of Dark Souls with the following advice:

"There is always possibilities to have games adapted on PC and the good news is that Dark Souls is not a 100% typical Console game so the adaptation is possible. Now to make things happen, let's say the demand has to be properly done. someone to make a successful petition?"

There is a petition gathering steam as we speak -- 36,668 signatures as of this writing -- and if you're a PC or Dark Souls fan, we don't see any danger in adding your own to the fight. Unless the CIA is using it to compile a list of suspected terrorists or something.


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