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MW3 to get 20 DLC releases over next nine months

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be supported by at least 20 new batches of downloadable content between now and September.
Referred to as the Modern Warfare 3 Content Season for Call of Duty Elite, the push starts next week with two new mutliplayer maps. Liberation and Piazza will be released on Xbox LIve on January 24th, with PS3 and PC at a later date.
As has been previously announced, all DLC will be made available first to paying subscribers of Call of Duty Elite, the series' new social network. Activision has promised that new content will be released regularly for these members - at least once a month.
Of course, those who have a free Elite membership or aren't signed up to the service will still be able to pick up all downloadable content when map packs are released later in the year - now referred to as Modern Warfare 3 Content Collections.
The next nine months of DLC will include new multiplayer maps, game modes, Special Ops missions and more.
"The mammoth launch of Modern Warfare 3 and the breakout success of Call of Duty Elite were just the beginning," said Activision's publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg.
"The MW3 content season is the ultimate way to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to the Call of Duty community and provide tremendous value to Call of Duty Elite premium members.
"We are delivering on our promise of more new content, more often, and with more variety than ever. With three studios collaborating on the first season, the breadth and depth of material on tap is truly extraordinary.


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