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LittleBigPlanet 2 gets Muppets DLC expansion

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Media Molecule has revealed a new Muppets-themed DLC expansion for LittleBigPlanet 2, out tomorrow.
The 'Muppets Premium Level Kit' comes with five new levels and two new mini-games which tell a new story.Here's the plot straight from MM: "The nefarious Phantom has plans to stop the Muppet Show from being a smashing success. That simply will not do! With help from the new Attract-O-Gel and Attract-O-Tweak, products of the infamous Muppet Labs, it'll be up to you to make sure it all goes off without a hitch before the last curtain falls."
As with previous expansions, gameplay will be tweaked with the addition of a new material, the Attract-O-Gel material which "allows Sackboy to walk on walls and ceilings", and a new gadget, "Attract-O-Tweak gadget", which "can be used to give these sticky properties to any material".
The pack will also come with new "decorations, stickers, objects, music tracks, sound effects, and voices, plus 7 new trophies, 12 new pins AND a bonus costume of Rowlf the Dog".
The price? £4.79, €5.99, US $5.99, AUS $9.95 and NZD $11.50. You'll have to contact MM yourself for prices in Antarctica and on the Moon.


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