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Skylanders creative lead eying Wii U's NFC for the future; mobile game explained

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
"Giants is the idea for the future," Toys for Bob CEO and development lead Paul Reiche III told me during an interview this morning, just ahead of this weekend's Toy Fair 2012. His company's latest project, Skylanders, is up for an award at the big show, not to mention an award or two at DICE 2012 (also this week), but he's already looking into the future. To an extent, at least.

"In terms of the Wii U, we're looking at it," he said in response to a question regarding the Wii U's recently announced NFC functionality -- functionality that's very similar to that found in the RFID-enabled Skylanders. "All of the details about the NFC technology haven't been released to the public yet, and it's really interesting," Reiche added, but he wouldn't budge on how much experience his company had with the Wii U's tech just yet ("I can't talk about that, I'm afraid.").

As for that otherSkylanders game that was announced today -- the mobile one -- Reiche was able to be a bit more verbose, though not much. "We will be having new mobile associated with Giants, but we are also still working on a very fun experience using your toys in the Skylanders world that's for mobile," he told me. So, two games then! "I played it, I like it, I don't know what its release schedule is. This one isn't being implemented within Toys for Bob," Reiche added.

So, how does it work? Reiche couldn't get too specific, but he did say it'll use the web-based Skylanders experience to draw information to the mobile game. "No NFC phone necessary. We want anyone to be able to enjoy it. We want someone who just buys a toy to have a meaningful experience on someone else's mobile device."


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