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Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 announced for Japanese arcades

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
It may not be hitting consoles until sometime this fall, but Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has been in Japanese arcades since September of last year, which in fighting game terms is a hundred billion years. The next step in the fighting game chain of evolution is, of course, the upgraded/altered/enhanced version, and thus Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 is born.

Unveiled during this year's AOU Amusement Expo in Japan, Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 allows for 2-on-2 battles like the original TTT2, but also 1-on-1 fighting like traditional Tekken games, as well as 1-on-2 fighting. The game's character balance has been adjusted to ensure that 1-on-2 battles are mechanically fair, according to Andriasang. Arcade owners who have already purchased Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be able to upgrade to Unlimited free of charge. Let's hope these additions and improvements are reflected in this fall's console release.


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