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Unreal Engine 3 powers Doctor Who game

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Platform licenced by BBC Worldwide to develop The Eternity Clock for PS3, Vita and PC

The upcoming Doctor Who game being developed for PS3, Vita and PC has licensed Epic’s Unreal Engine 3 to power the title, the studio has revealed.
The platformer, entitled Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock, is being developed by independent studio Supermassive Games in collaboration with BBC Worldwide.

Based on the well known TV show, the game also features Matt Smith as the doctor and Alex Kingston as River Song.
“At Supermassive, we always try to be very pragmatic about our choice of technology and choose the right tool for the job at hand,” said Supermassive CTO Jonathan Amor.
“Our aim for ‘Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock’ is to match it as closely as possible in aesthetics, tone and sound to the television series, and also to achieve a new level of quality on Sony’s outstanding platforms.


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