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Street Fighter X Tekken out on Vita this fall with 12 more characters

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
The Vita version of Street Fighter X Tekken will be the most populous of all. In addition to the PS3/Vita-exclusive Pac-Man, Mega Man, Cole, Toro, and Kuro, Capcom announced twelve extra characters on Vita as part of its Street Fighter 25th Anniversary celebration. The portable fighter will have exclusive access to Street Fighter's Elena, Guy, Cody, Sakura, Dudley and Blanka, and Tekken's Alisa, Christie, Jack, Brian, Lars and Lei.

There may yet be time for these new fighters to show up in the console game: Capcom said that the Vita version would be released in the fall. That gives the publisher plenty of time to release the characters as console DLC. In any case, where's our tiny arcade stick?

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