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Missing Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC arriving on Vita Feb. 28

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
One of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3's biggest selling points on the Vita is the fact that all of the console version's DLC carries over; costumes, characters, the whole nine yards. Well, that was the plan, at any rate. So far, the Jill Valentine, Shuma-Gorath and Costume Pack 1 DLC add-ons have been missing on Sony's plucky little handheld.

Thankfully, the issue is not permanent and should be resolved during the Vita's next weekly update on Tuesday, February 28. As it turns out, the fact that Jill, Shuma and Costume Pack 1 exist in both Ultimate MvC3 and regular ol' MvC3threw a monkey wrench into the system, preventing the aforementioned content from making the jump from console to handheld.


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