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Crytek revealing "fantastic" new project next month

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Crytek, German developer of the Crysis series, says it will unveil its "fantastic" new console and PC project next month.
Speaking to CVG during GDC last week, GM of games Nick Button-Brown said the studio was preparing to announce "the best of that kind of project we've ever done."
"There are so many things I can't talk about," he said. "A big part of our business is big-budget console and PC games. We are doing all these other things, but they're on top of that and we're doing them because they're interesting.
"The other project looks absolutely fantastic - I mean, genuinely the best of that kind of project we've ever done. It looks spectacular, the team is doing really, really well and it's just really nice to see the team really enthusiastic about what they're doing. They're really happy."
Crytek is currently known to be working on the Kinect exclusiveRyse, and a sequel to THQ shooter Homefront. Last week it announced Fibble Flick 'n' Roll, a physics puzzler due for iOS and Android in the spring.


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