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I Am Alive dated for PSN

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Ubisoft’s post-apocalyptic survival horror title I Am Alive is heading to PSN next month following a short period of Xbox 360 exclusivity. UPDATED: PSN+ discount revealed.
The publisher has announced that the game will be available for PS3 on April 3rd in the US, and April 4th in Europe.
It originally arrived on Xbox Live on March 7th for 1,200 Microsoft Points (around £10). The PSN version will cost $14.99, which coincides with pricing on the Xbox Marketplace, although a firm UK price has not yet been confirmed.
PSN+ subscribers who buy I Am Alive within its first two weeks on sale will receive a 20 per cent discount.
The game is centered on a man’s search for his wife and daughter after a disaster of an unknown cause strikes. Ubisoft describes the title as having true survival gameplay, as players are forced to keep an eye on stamina, and keep track of their resources.
I Am Alive had been in development since 2008 by developer Darkworlds, with Ubisoft Shanghai taking over after 2010 and releasing the title earlier this month on Xbox Live Arcade.


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