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Brand Map: 31 per cent of Diablo players are female

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Almost a third of all Diablo players are female, a new report shows.
With 31 per cent of users female, this is close to the volume seen for the average game. The Blizzard RPG series also has more players in the 20-24 (both genders), 25-29 (males) and 30-34 (females) age groups than the average game.
The Diablo brand has been popular with gamers since the release of the first Diablo in the late '90s.
The anticipation and interest surrounding Diablo III - the first new Diablo in over ten years, set for a May 15th release - highlights the brand's enduring popularity with gaming audiences.
This week we are going to look at Diablo using the GameVision Brand Map. We asked 6,725 gamers about Diablo, of whom 526 had played in the last six months. Of these, 233 users told us more about the game in detail.
Diablo is a popular brand throughout Europe, with awareness and play rates in Germany (49 per cent and nine per cent) being higher than the European average (37 per cent and six per cent).
Diablo is well known for its dark fantasy/horror themes and content, however 21 per cent of players are under the age of 15. This could be due to the relative age of the available Diablo titles that may not be perceived as inappropriate for younger gamers, when compared to other games available at the moment with similar content.
Apart from a port of the first Diablo on the PSone, the franchise is exclusive to PC, with 88 per cent of gamers having purchased Diablo games from a shop.


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