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Sega: Rhythm Thief 'still happening'

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
We still have no official word on the aftermath of Sega's restructuring -- how many employees were laid off, or which games have been canceled. However, we obtained confirmation from a Sega rep on the PAX East show floor of one upcoming packaged game that has not been canceled: Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure.

The representative told us explicitly that the 3DS rhythm action game is "still happening." Good news, because we've enjoyed our brief time with it so far. It seemed like a relative lock, given that it's done, and out in Europe, but given Sega's recent issues no packaged game seemed safe. We're glad to have confirmation of that one.

We were also assured that Aliens: Colonial Marines was still going to make it to retail, but the recent media blitz, explicit mention as a profitable franchise in Sega's restructuring plan, and giant, separate booth were already clues to that.


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