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Bulletstorm sequel was in the works, is now canned

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Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
Work had begun on a sequel to People Can Fly’s Bulletstorm but the project has since been cancelled, it has been revealed.
Bulletstorm came out in early 2011 and was well received by critics.
And now the president of People Can Fly owners Epic, Mike Capps, has said that the studio has moved onto pastures new.
"We thought a lot about a sequel, and had done some initial development on it, but we found a project that we thought was a better fit for People Can Fly," he told GameSpot.
"I'd love to go back to Bulletstorm. I think there's more to do with Bulletstorm. Heck, it kind of ended wanting more. I'd love to see another project, but right now we don't have anything to talk about."
Capps also admitted that sales of the game failed to meet expectations – with the PC version supposedly hit by piracy.
"I think Bulletstorm was very critically successful, and I think a lot of folks really enjoyed seeing something new," he added. "From a sales perspective it was good, but not amazing. I think [publisher] EA was hoping we'd do better.
"We made a PC version of Bulletstorm, and it didn't do very well on PC and I think a lot of that was due to piracy. It wasn't the best PC port ever, sure, but also piracy was a pretty big problem."


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